Keepass 2 for mac
Keepass 2 for mac

You decide where the database is stored and accessed from. For one, it doesn't store your database on its servers. Strongbox provides the same functionality, and offers a lot more privacy. The auto-fill feature is especially useful on a smartphone. They are free to use on all platforms, and hence people often opt for convenience when it comes to mobile devices. But, let's focus on why Strongbox is a good choice.Ĭloud-based services like LastPass, and the open-source Bitwarden, may provide a lot of options when it comes to Password Managers on iOS (and other platforms). Also free, and open-source, with a better looking UI, it does seem promising. A new app called KeePassium is currently in open beta.

keepass 2 for mac

IOS used to have a ton of great KeePass clients, but a lot of them have been abandoned for over 2 years. Strongbox Password Safe is a free, open-source KeePass client for iOS which I personally prefer to use.

Keepass 2 for mac